4.3 Poster
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 67.451
EU - Europa 45.424
AS - Asia 22.430
AF - Africa 1.456
SA - Sud America 804
OC - Oceania 293
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 49
Totale 137.907
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 62.523
IT - Italia 19.399
CN - Cina 12.417
SE - Svezia 5.983
CA - Canada 4.736
SG - Singapore 3.845
BG - Bulgaria 3.617
DE - Germania 3.329
UA - Ucraina 2.490
GB - Regno Unito 2.252
TR - Turchia 2.042
VN - Vietnam 1.359
FI - Finlandia 1.345
PL - Polonia 1.209
CH - Svizzera 1.095
FR - Francia 1.077
RU - Federazione Russa 1.057
CI - Costa d'Avorio 622
IN - India 546
HK - Hong Kong 527
BR - Brasile 452
BE - Belgio 429
KR - Corea 389
AT - Austria 354
NL - Olanda 354
ES - Italia 334
SN - Senegal 271
AU - Australia 252
JP - Giappone 249
IR - Iran 177
NG - Nigeria 173
TW - Taiwan 167
ID - Indonesia 150
MX - Messico 150
PT - Portogallo 145
RO - Romania 134
IE - Irlanda 116
DZ - Algeria 110
GR - Grecia 109
CO - Colombia 106
PK - Pakistan 105
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 99
HU - Ungheria 80
CL - Cile 77
TH - Thailandia 77
BJ - Benin 76
IL - Israele 67
SI - Slovenia 60
AR - Argentina 57
MY - Malesia 57
ZA - Sudafrica 56
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 55
EU - Europa 47
PH - Filippine 47
RS - Serbia 46
DK - Danimarca 44
EG - Egitto 44
EC - Ecuador 42
UZ - Uzbekistan 42
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 41
LT - Lituania 40
PE - Perù 38
HR - Croazia 37
TN - Tunisia 34
NO - Norvegia 31
SA - Arabia Saudita 29
IQ - Iraq 28
LV - Lettonia 23
MD - Moldavia 20
MA - Marocco 19
EE - Estonia 17
JO - Giordania 16
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 14
BO - Bolivia 14
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 13
CR - Costa Rica 12
CY - Cipro 12
VE - Venezuela 12
BD - Bangladesh 11
ME - Montenegro 10
LK - Sri Lanka 8
UG - Uganda 8
KE - Kenya 7
ET - Etiopia 6
LY - Libia 6
MG - Madagascar 6
AL - Albania 5
AM - Armenia 5
KG - Kirghizistan 5
LB - Libano 5
NI - Nicaragua 5
PR - Porto Rico 5
QA - Qatar 5
AZ - Azerbaigian 4
BN - Brunei Darussalam 4
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 4
IS - Islanda 4
KP - Corea 4
KZ - Kazakistan 4
LU - Lussemburgo 4
Totale 137.844
Città #
Woodbridge 7.062
Ann Arbor 6.904
Santa Clara 6.794
Chandler 5.960
Milan 5.045
Shanghai 4.692
Houston 4.208
Sofia 3.602
Jacksonville 3.124
Princeton 2.743
Beijing 2.629
Montreal 2.312
New York 2.218
Singapore 2.209
Ottawa 2.157
Ashburn 2.154
Boardman 1.864
Lawrence 1.409
Medford 1.348
Serra 1.289
Nanjing 1.260
Izmir 1.201
Fairfield 1.087
Bern 1.002
Wilmington 994
Rome 915
Des Moines 909
Dearborn 908
Florence 689
Redwood City 643
Abidjan 622
Istanbul 607
Dong Ket 596
Jüchen 572
Pisa 554
Seattle 515
Chicago 488
Nanchang 451
Hong Kong 425
London 381
Cambridge 376
Brussels 346
Düsseldorf 324
Kunming 306
Vienna 306
Boulder 288
Lancaster 280
Dakar 271
Shenyang 265
Ogden 254
Frankfurt am Main 229
Bremen 207
Hebei 204
Marseille 200
Changsha 197
Los Angeles 196
Hefei 190
Jiaxing 176
Alessandria 168
Lagos 164
Tianjin 160
Guangzhou 157
Fuzhou 145
Norwalk 144
Livorno 139
Dallas 126
Pune 120
Lucca 115
Bologna 114
San Diego 113
Hangzhou 111
Helsinki 105
Taipei 102
Auburn Hills 100
Jinan 95
Turin 89
Washington 87
Toronto 82
Quanzhou 81
Palermo 80
Madrid 77
Cotonou 76
Naples 76
Genoa 75
Orange 74
Munich 72
Verona 72
Warsaw 72
Bari 70
Amsterdam 67
Pistoia 67
Dublin 66
Padova 64
Grafing 60
Paris 60
Lanzhou 59
Massa 59
Wuhan 59
Tokyo 56
Torino 56
Totale 93.091
Nome #
Fotoderivati del 7-deidrocolesterolo e della Vitamina D dopo esposizione solare. Dati preliminari 3.384
Serum protein profiling of 100 cats with inflammatory bowel disease and lymphoma 734
A New Calibration Equation for Diviner2000 Capacitance Probe Accounting for Soil Shrinkage Characteristic Curve and Estimation of Parameters on the Basis of Soil Physical Properties 682
Automatic control and load regulation of a solar-biomass powered prototype combining a fluidized bed and a stirling engine for household cogeneration 524
Lo Quarter: il cimitero degli appestati di Alghero (1582-1583 AD) 468
Altered state of consciousness induced by active stimulation of the olfactory epithelium during slow breathing (pranayama): towards an integrated psychophysiological model 454
Impatto emodinamico ed anestesiologico di un bolo di esmololo in cani sani sottoposti ad anestesia 388
Pheromones of the fig weevil Aclees taiwanensis: evaluation of their attractiveness in the laboratory and in the open field Feromoni del punteruolo del fico, Aclees taiwanensis: valutazione della loro attrattività in laboratorio e in pieno campo 373
Un rivestimento a base di chitosano rallenta efficacemente la maturazione in post-raccolta di frutti di pomodoro 372
Acido ascorbico: imbrunimento enzimatico e metabolismo fenilpropanoidico in Red Deliciuos and Granny Smith conservate in IV gamma 360
Fecal microbiota differences in canine lymphoma treated with chemotherapy and probiotics 355
Hermetia illucens (Diptera Stratiomyidae): de novo genome assembly and molecular farming units for the production and delivery of anti-inflammatory peptides 333
Among the last Neanderthals. A reappraisal of the Grotta Breuil case-study (Monte Circeo, Latium, Italy) 285
Slow nasal breathing selectively modifies state of consciousness in healthy humans: a psychometric study 278
A retrospective study of the treatment and follow-up of primary immune-mediated thrombocytopenia in dogs 273
Psychometric and psychobiological correlates of altered states of consciousness elicited by Vipassana Analytical and Open Monitoring meditation 269
Endoleak tipi IB. Tallone di Achille dell'EVAS? 265
Migratory restlessness in shorebirds (Aves, Charadriiformes). A case study by means of accelerometers 256
Retrospective investigation of the reticulocyte hemoglobin content in the dog 252
Detection of replicative deformed wing virus (DWV) in the European hornet (Vespa crabro, L.) and the yellow-legged hornet (Vespa velutina, Lepelieter). 251
Il latte d’asina di razza Amiatina nella gestione del bambino con allergia alle proteine del latte vaccino 248
A draft genome sequence of the fig (Ficus carica L.) 242
Canine multiple myeloma: a retrospective case-control epidemiological survey in Italy 236
Effetti del biochar sulla mineralizzazione della sostanza organica del suolo: prove di laboratorio. 232
Activité biologique de l'huile essentielle de Foeniculum vulgare contre deux ravageurs des denrées stockées: Sitophilus zeamais e Tribolium confusum 230
Fitoalimurgia in Toscana: l'impiego delle piante spontanee nella preparazione delle zuppe e piatti affini. 226
Alterazione antropica e zonazione della vegetazione dunale: le spiagge bianche di Rosignano-Vada(LI) 220
The effect of creatine monohydrate supplementation on blood lactate and performance in agility dogs 219
Valorizzazione della vinificazione in aziende orientate alla vitivinicoltura biodinamica 219
A new bleaching technique with nano-hydroxyapatite and 6% Hydrogen peroxide 209
“A case of ecological renaturation in a drained Mediterranean peatland: the case study of the Massaciuccoli Lake basin (Tuscany, It)” 207
Determination of mitotane and principal metabolite by a simple HPLC-UV method and its validation in human plasma sample 207
Correlazione fra malocclusione e disturbi fonatori:risultati di una indagine condotta in età pediatrica, 205
Capillaria plica (syn. Pearsonema plica ) in red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) of Liguria, north-west Italy 205
Psychophysiological and phenomenological characterization of altered states of consciousness induced by Nidrâ Yoga sessions in expert practitioners 200
On the Hilbert quasi-polynomials for non-standard graded rings 198
Carcinoma vescicale trattato con cistectomia radicale e confezionamento di neovescica ileale sec. Studer in paziente di 34 anni. 197
Genomic analyses for adaptation of Italian cattle breeds: preliminary results. The BOVITA Project 197
L’Oltrarno dimenticato: le fortificazioni del Canto di Stampace a Pisa. 193
MINI-HTA for Medical Device Purchase. Between efficiency and effectiveness 193
Antioxidant, cardiomyocyte anti-ageing properties and phytochemical profile of Citrus bergamia juices 191
Ns2Voip++, an enhanced module for VoIP simulations 183
Sviluppo di una rete di monitoraggio per una gestione idrica smart del verde urbano 179
Architecture inspired by Artificial Life: a sustainable and adaptive treehouses ecosystem in the Chilean forest 178
Non sempre la somma fa il totale: sinergia dei costituenti maggioritari dell'olio essenziale di Foeniculum vulgare nei confronti di insetti dannosi ai cereali in postraccolta 177
Survival of a one-arm warrior in pre-antibiotic era: a case study from an Italian Longobard necropolis (6th-8th centuries AD) 176
Electrochemotherapy in Canine and Feline Clinical Oncology Practice 173
Fricke gel dosimeters with low-diffusion and high-sensitivity based on a chemically cross-linked PVA matrix 172
ASIP Design and Synthesis for Nonlinear Filtering in Image Processing 170
Non invasive CPAP ventilation in a dog with cardiogenic pulmonary oedema. 170
S-nitrosoglutathione potentiates protein S-nitrosation under oxidative stress, a potential improvement of NO storage into smooth muscle cells 169
Evaluation of MINI-CUBE ESR (Erytrocyte Sedimentation Rate) in dogs and cats: preliminary results 166
Advanced Gis applications for bioarchaeology: methods and case studies 165
Quando inizia la migrazione? Un confronto tra differenti metodi di stima della fenologia migratoria di alzavole Anas crecca marcate con trasmettitori satellitari 163
Molecular phylogeography and museum specimens: the case of the black francolin (Francolinus francolinus) 163
The effects of feline immunodeficiency virus on feline monocyte derived dendritic cells infected by spinoculation. 162
Cardiopulmonary parasites of red foxes and dogs from Liguria north-west Italy 162
Profilo di rischio al volante e performance al simulatore di guida: implicazioni per la pratica 162
Protothecal granulomatous meningoencephalitis in a dog. 158
M-quantile Regression for Binary Data with Application to Small Area Estimation 158
The deep time origin of African Zebras through the Eurasian “Equus stenonine” lineage. 158
Sull'azione della catechina nell'intossicazione epatica da alfa-naftile-isotiocianato (ANIT) 157
Homeostatic Plasticity in Primary Visual Cortex Affects Local Sleep Expression: A High-Density EEG 157
Tel-e Vax: a genetic vaccine targeting telomerase for treatment of canine lymphoma 155
Il riciclo nelle pavimentazioni stradali: impiego di RAP e oli esausti come ringiovanenti 155
A flexible home gateway system for telecare of patients affected by chronic heart failure 154
A comparitive study of ferumoxide and multiwall carbon nanotubes for the labeling and tracking of human pancreatic islets 154
Arene Ruthenium Complexes with Ethacrynic Acid-Modified Ligands: Synthesis, Characterization and Antiproliferative Activity 154
Benefici per studenti con discalculia di un ambiente informatico per capire il linguaggio dell’algebra 154
Planning multi-feedstock supply for a new territorial biorefinery 154
Review on fish welfare and assessment methods in aquaculture 153
Influence of immunosuppressive treatment on Clinico-Pathological features in 33 cases of Canine primary IMHA. 153
Biodiversità floristica delle aree salmastre della Toscana settentrionale: il caso di Galanchio nel litorale pisano 153
The “diving brain”: cognitive effects of inert gas narcosis 152
Analisi del Sanitary Survey 2015-2017 condotto nel Golfo della Spezia: riclassificazione delle zone di produzione di molluschi bivalvi 152
Effect of feline immunodeficiency virus on feline monocyte-derived dendritic cells derived for in vivo use. 150
The stochastic quantization method and its application to the numerical simulation of volcanic conduit dynamics under random conditions 150
Nutritional value of bread in local and global chains. 150
New limonoids from Aphanamixis polystachya (Wall) R. Parker (Meliaceae) leaves 149
The regulator of axillary meristem formation gene controls vegetative and reproductive architecture in sunflower. 148
Sensibilizzazione alla donazione di sangue nel cane e nel gatto come esempio per incoraggiare la donazione in ambito umano 148
Inibitori delle 5-fosfodiesterasi: una magnificazione di immagine nella diagnostica ecografica power doppler nella diagnosi di carcinoma prostatico 147
Prey (honeybee) predator (yellow-legged hornet) spill-over of the bee pathogen DWV 147
Presence of D. immitis in dogs of rural communities in south eastern Bolivia 146
Digital maps and linguistic minorities: new technologies for linguistic research 146
Mineral nutrients in soil and pea plants after exposition to TiO2 nanoparticles through a biosolid-amended soil 146
Simulating the effect of climatic variations on the long-term performance of different agroforestry systems within field trials using virtual experiments 145
Interference-aware Distributed Scheduling in TDMA Wireless Mesh Networks 145
The topaz-bearing rhyolite lavas from Chivinar volcanic complex (24°17’38’’ W - 67°25’28’’ W, Central Andes, NW Argentina) 145
Gender, MGMT methylation, and levetiracetam plasma levels correlate with survival benefit in glioblastoma patients treated with adjuvant temozolomide: results from a non-interventional retrospective clinical study 145
Pre-Main Sequence Turn-On as a Chronometer for Young Clusters 144
Immunogenicity of a fixed cell FIV vaccine in field cats 144
Binet's Classification applied in Canine Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia 144
Primary Immuno-mediated-hemolytic anemia: a retrospective study of 52 dogs from two veterinary teaching hospitals 143
Totale 24.628

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20205.846 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.310 440 1.033 1.011 1.792 260
2020/20219.516 834 226 709 434 1.202 534 890 981 621 898 439 1.748
2021/202216.518 367 1.429 367 743 2.923 2.067 416 669 641 517 843 5.536
2022/202319.250 2.635 2.243 1.262 1.670 2.204 2.560 409 1.379 3.047 212 1.192 437
2023/202423.884 2.777 2.300 2.528 1.519 2.799 2.901 911 687 469 4.074 761 2.158
2024/202521.001 738 2.222 1.210 2.482 5.720 4.511 4.118 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 140.414